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Updated Research

We have updated our research on “Examining Effective Organizational Development Approaches to Prevent Power Harassment and Lead to Improved Work Engagement. The main features of this research are as follows.

Features of this Study

Developing effective programs that work on both power harassment and work engagement

Improving work engagement and preventing power harassment benefits both organizations and workers. Countermeasures are urgently needed, but there is a lack of accumulated intervention research. This study is new in that it uses an organizational development approach to promote improved communication, leading to the development of research. No other study has demonstrated the effects of a single intervention program on both positive and negative aspects of the workplace and work, namely WE and power harassment, making it advanced and highly significant.

Development and demonstration of the effectiveness of a short-term program that is easy to implement and has high social significance

Limit the intervention target population to managers and supervisors or general employees, and use short-term intervention methods of a few hours per day. If we can develop intervention programs that are less burdensome for companies and workers, this will lead to an increase in the number of companies introducing these programs and an increase in worker motivation.

Although power harassment prevention measures are easily positioned as mental health measures for companies and are often viewed as a cost, they have great social significance and impact if they not only prevent the negative effects of damage, but also show positive effects such as increased vitality, enthusiasm, and productivity of workers.

★For more information, please see the “Research” page

Validation of effective organizational development approaches that prevent power harassment and lead to improved work engagement

※This research has been carried out since 2022 and will be further developed as a JSPS Research Fellowship project in 2023-2024.