
Momoko KOBAYASHIAssociate Professor, Ph.D. (Psychology), Clinical Psychologist, Licensed Psychologist

Associate Professor, Department of Recurrent Education, Center for the Creation of Well-Being, Saga University.D. in Psychology, Clinical Psychologist, and Licensed Psychologist.She studied psychology at Kobe University and worked for Kirin Beverage Company for about 7 years.Based on her experience as a company employee, she decided to relearn in order to help working people become healthier and more energetic.Returning to her hometown of Saga, she completed a master's degree in clinical psychology and became a certified clinical psychologist and a licensed psychologist.She has been engaged in psychotherapy at a psychiatric hospital and in clinical psychology practice with university faculty and staff in the industrial and labor fields.After working as an academic cooperative researcher at the Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyushu University (Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science), she assumed her current position.I will give back to society with my experience and knowledge as a psychological clinical practitioner, a researcher in industrial and organizational psychology, and a general corporate worker.She is a mother of two children.


Academic background

Apr 2006-Mar 2010 Course in Psychological Development, Department of Human Development, Faculty of Developmental Sciences, Kobe University (B.A. (Developmental Sciences))

Apr 2017-Mar 2019 Kurume University, Graduate School of Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology (Master (Clinical Psychology))

Apr. 2022-Mar. 2023 Doctoral Course in Psychology, Department of Behavioral Systems, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyushu University (Early Completion, Doctor (Psychology))

Work experience


Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Work Engagement, Power Harassment, Stress Management, Mental Health, Organizational Development, Organizational Management,recurrent training


2019 Japan Society for Stress Management Incentive Research Award

Qualifications, etc.

Clinical Psychologist

Certified Psychologist

Nissho Bookkeeping Certificate Level 2

Business Accounting Certification Level 2

Aromatherapy Certification Test Level 1

Stress check implementer

Corporate training and other speaking engagements (most recent excerpts)

・2023ーPresent   Training for managers of infrastructure-related companies: “Leadership techniques to prevent power harassment and draw out the vitality of subordinates”

・2023ーPresent    Training for general employees of a pharmaceutical company “Leadership techniques to enhance psychological safety and bring out the vitality of work”

・2023ーPresent  Training for TV station managers: “Leadership skills to cope with stress and create energy at work”

・2023 Lecture at the University of Nishikyushu, “Examining Approaches for Organizational Development that Lead to Power Harassment Prevention and Improved Work Engagement”

・2023 Workshop at the 87th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association “An Organizational Development Approach to Improve Workplace Communication and Create a Lively Workplace”

・2022ーPresent  Training for pharmaceutical company managers: “Leadership techniques to prevent power harassment and draw out the vitality of subordinates”

・2022-2023   Abuse Prevention Training “Anger Management Education in Practice” sponsored by the National Hospital Organization Headquarters”

・2021 Peer supporter training at a prefectural police headquarters: “A little ingenuity in receiving consultations (active listening)”

・2021-2022 Behavior Therapy for Intense Behavior Disorder - Environmental Adjustment and Intervention Techniques", National Hospital Organization Hizen Psychiatric Center, Hizen, Japan